Wednesday, December 7, 2011


You fucked up my life asshole. I fucking wish that I'd never met you cuz bitch, you ruined me. wtf, who gets their gf into shit like this? fuck u and fuck ur whole little group because every single one of them is just as fucked up as you are. god damn just let me walk out of your life, dont chase, dont beg, just shut the fuck up and let me leave. im not yours to keep and control. hear that baby? im. not. yours. Im with him now and im damn miserable but at least im happier with him than you. god i hate you.

On the other hand, my bf of like, 2 weeks broke up with me today. Yay. My best friend is an asshole. My other best friend is dissapointed as hell in me, or she will be when she finds out what i did. And yet another best friend is trying her dammnest to keep my head above water. life is spectacular. im eating like im a goddamn fucking pig. i hate myself. why am i not losing? why am i not focused on that anymore? fuck this.

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