Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hey everyone. This is the very first post from my new iPod touch. I just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate Christmas then I wish you happy holidays. Or you know, just have a good day if you are someone who doesn't celebrate this time of year for whatever reason.
I tried to post pictures and other stuff last night but things just didn't work out. Had a great day yesterday even though my chiefs lost to the Raiders during overtime. The broncos lost too though so that lessens the blow lol. My best friend J told me "it's really cliche but it's hot when u talk sports" lol! I hung out with my cousins, as I do every year on Christmas eve. We opened presents, ate lunch and laughed a lot. I have three cousins who live near me, and unfortunately all of their names start with a c so i can't exactly abbreviate like I usually do. I suppose I cOuld think up names for everyone but honestly that would just take too long and I would just end up confusing myself lol. Here are some highlights from yesterday:
Chase: duchess!! Come here!
Casey:*grabs onto duchess collar* no, she doesn't love you.
Casey: "I gave you three million dollars and Tokyo just cuz I felt like being a nice cousin"

We risked our lives to Jump a car through a burning ring of fire
"oh great anther 5000 dollar baby gift"
"yummmmmm guinea pig"
"the bread is heavy to keep the dead in the ground"
Boxes Are not to stand in.
"my hip!!!!!!! My hip!!!!!"
and if course the greatest quote ever...
My dad: if he starts freaking out, just break his nose. Seriously. It will mellow him out.
Random cute guy: oh look, dolphins.
Hahaha anyways I'm going to post later on my computer about my progress. I know I haven't been tAlking about that a lot. I've just been so ashamed lately but it's time to suck it up and deal. I'll also reply to Sammy boo on the next post. Have a fantastic day everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yes! me! i'm not Christian. xD.

    "the bread is heavy to keep the dead in the ground" <--this made me almost laugh so hard i woke up the dead at 3:45AM (always comment on your blog when i'm half-asleep. noticed?)
    *smirks* i have a nickname? aweee. that's sweet. <3
    have an awesome day. *yawns* oh my Gosh. i'm tired.
    -Sam Lupin
