Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Its late/early....!!!

Lol so Sam, you're 10 hours (behind? ahead of?) me. Good to know lol. Haha I know what you mean about RandJ. Awwwww you always make my day too.
"the language that cannot be spoken is often the most beautiful." there you go again with ur amazing words!
I can't stand the taste of diet pepsi. Blech.
And your welcome to blow up all my evil ex's if you'd like :)
Tomorrow I get to go to IKEA!!!! Its this store that just opened and its supposedly HUMONGEOUS!!! I'm excited...Haha and yeah, I get the same way when I'm tired, all discombobulated and everything. But I love staying up late too much to go to bed. Did that sentence make sense? Well, it did to me so I'm leaving it. Rawr. I have a good day planned tomorrow, cuz tomorrow is my first full day of Break! Yippee! Tee hee my favorite picture in the world:
Its adorable.
And yeah, I should probably sleep or else I'll be all grumpy tomorrow. Technically today since its already past midnight. I made some self discoveries. Or should I say someone else made them for me? Idk. I'll go into that tomorrow. Today. Whatever.
Goodnight, sleep tight.

1 comment:

  1. usually it's ahead of people, but sometimes, i'm behind.
    it is contradictory in nature, if i try to explain how beautiful body language and blood is and how it is superior to words by using WORDS.
    i actually didn't get an email, love. :( do you want to give me yours and i can send you one? :D
    diet Pepsi is sexy. i have two stashed underneath me.
    ...that's it.
    dammit, by the way i make it seem, i make it seem as if you're way off younger than me. it's only a year's difference, is it not? ;) and i'm sure my height makes me look smaller. or the baby-face.
    you discovered you practically make my heart splody from how JUST FUCKING MINE you are? ;)
    good morning is more like it. well. it is 4:29, but i was up at 3:38PM! so....
    fail. extreme fail.

    -Sam Lupin
