Sunday, December 18, 2011


I'm soooo tired these days. I'm going to bed at like 9 o clock and still being tired after sleeping twelve or so hours. I'm also always cold.
Friday was bad. In third period I got dizzy and the world started spinning and I was super nauseous and at lunch J was being supportive and gave me a suuuper long hug and G was offering to take me to the nurse like every 3 seconds lol. The dizzying stayed for the entire day, but in 5th period, the teacher flipped out and made me go to the nurse and she made my friend S take me to the nurse in the elevator cuz she was afriad I couldn't take the stairs. The nurse gave me crackers and gatorade, which I ate, then sent me back to class. I told everyone the dizzyness went away but it didn't. After school, went to GSA/DSA party and had two pieces of pizza and like a few sips of Dr. Pepper. Felt soooo awful.
Saturday was a fail day too. I ate and ate and ate. Dinner was at a fancy restaurant with mi madre, had six pieces of bread, a plate of fetticine alfredo, and a caramel sundae. and the waiter we had was an absoulute dick. a funny dick, but still. God. He came back and looked at our bread basket, then at me and went "No wonder you ordered a diet coke." His tone screamed "fat ass". He had this HUGE stomach too and I just wanted to be like "Look at ur feet and if you can't see them, think before you talk. Bastard." Ugh.
And then today I just ate everything. Another piece of pizza, garlic bread, nuts, coke, cookies. God. I heard somewhere everytime you binge, it sets you back ten days. At this rate, I'm set back an entire month.
Ugh, I hate it when my mom walks into my room and talks on the phone for like an hour. I can't do anything on my computer because she'll see things I don't want her to see and I can't tell her to leave cuz then I'd be "rude" ugh.
Haha I do wanna thank Sam for being so nice lol. I loooooooove HP :) Haha I read ur entire blog and the videos you had up were hilarious!!
I think thats enough ranting for tonight. Break starts in two days!! yay!

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